
Transcription Jobs from Home for Beginners with 1-888-TYPE-IT-UP

Transcription Jobs for Beginners with 1-888-TYPE-IT-UP 1-888-TYPE-IT-UP is an established, legitimate company that pays the best starting rate for online transcription jobs for beginners . They are one of the highest-paying transcription companies on the Internet. Requirements: Type-It-Up values experience but does not require it. They only require that you pass their transcription test and meet their accuracy, formatting and reliability standards. As long as you can deliver good work and are reliable, they are happy to work with you as one of their transcriptionists. If you are outside the United States, you can transcribe for their non-U.S. clients. They have many clients outside the U.S. so getting work is not a problem if you provide quality transcripts. If you interested in transcription jobs from home, I recommend checking out this detailed general transcription course that will teach you how to transcribe and how to find high-paying transcription jobs. You can also sign up for

Project Status Report Checklist - Creating Your Weekly Report

Lists are important. They help us prioritize—and remember to complete—important tasks. Have you ever gone to the grocery store specifically for one thing, then left with a cart full of everything but? If you leave your grocery list at home, you’re at the mercy of our fallible human memory. As a project manager, you need to create regular project status reports to update stakeholders on project progress. And just like at the grocery store, no matter how often you create a project status report, there’s a chance you’ll forget something if you don’t have a list. To ensure that your weekly status updates contain the essential information your stakeholders need, we’ve created a simple checklist you can use as a status report template:   Download Checklist   We’ll look at each section in more detail and explain what information you should include and how you should structure your project report. We’ll also explore how project tracking software can help you create your project status reports

6 Digital Product Ideas That You Can Create In A Week

If you’ve been in the online business world, you’ve probably come across the term “digital products”. Digital products are kind of like the poster child for passive income when it comes to running an online business, although they can take a considerable amount of time to become truly passive. I started my journey creating digital products one year ago, when I read in a blogging industry report that the majority of 6 & 7 figure bloggers had a huge chunk of income that came from digital products. Why you ask? Because once you create a digital product, that’s pretty much it. You can update it once or twice a year and decide the level of 1:1 support you’d like to provide. Digital products don’t rely on third-party ads or affiliate networks. They are almost always entirely in your control leading to high profit-margins when done right. You can sell them as often as you want, as much as you want and as passively as you want. A lot of people instantly associate digital products with “onl

7 career development blogs you should be reading

In CareerWise’s mission to bring you the best of the web, we’ve uncovered some great blogs written by professionals working in career development. Wondering about counselling strategies, career theory, ethics issues or other career development topics? These blogs will have something for you. Running in a Forest This blog is written by UK-based careers advisor and self-proclaimed “theory nut” Tom Staunton. It explores how career theory relates to practice. The name speaks to travelling without knowing where you’re going, or having a destination in mind but not knowing how to get there – apt metaphors for career exploration. The Potentiality The Potentiality focuses on the six key competencies that research shows are the pillars of personal and professional success: communication, collaboration, learning and thinking, creativity and innovation, adaptability and leadership. The Editor-in-Chief of the blog is John Horn, who is also currently the Chair of CERIC’s Board of Directors. Career

Is Career Development Still Relevant?

This is the question we were asking as APQC embarked on its most recent training and development research study. We wondered: Has the prevalence of job hopping, layoffs, and flat organizations lessened the value of career development in the eyes of employers and employees?   After analyzing the data and studying best-practice organizations, we have our answer and it’s an indisputable—Yes. Career development is not only still relevant but is arguably more relevant than ever. Why? Skills and competencies are becoming obsolete at a quickening pace. Employees see continuous growth and development as essential to staying employed. Employers are looking to career development as a means to lengthen employee tenure and secure the cutting-edge capabilities their business plans require. Rather than turning away from career development, the best-practice organizations that we studied are leveling up the sophistication of their career path tools and then supporting these tools with personalized co

100 Helpful Career Blogs for Jobseekers and Jobholders

by Duncan Muguku This is a detailed list or a handy reference guide for top 100 career blogs and websites that help people in their quest to find a good job and also in their desire to succeed in their professions and be the very best at what they do. These career blogs answer job search and career questions and provide career advice for both jobseekers and working professionals. They help you to improve your job, offer useful articles and empower you with information on career development. Methodology used: Over a period of six months, I combed through the Internet looking for, reading and curating the best career blogs based on: overall blog content, career advice topics and categories addressed, ease of navigation on the websites, website layout and presentation, passion evident for helping jobseekers and career climbers, and information available on social media. The websites are not ranked in any way. They are listed in alphabetical order and show the website or