
Showing posts with the label Tips

8 IT Professional Career Development Tips (in a Managed Services World)

Kong Yang, Nutanix’s Head of Service Provider Marketing, is a big believer in the need to mentor up-and-coming IT talent. We recently interviewed him to get his advice on how IT professionals can navigate today’s challenging IT job markets and further their careers. In this post, I’ll summarize some of the key takeaways from our conversation that really resonated with me. If you’d like to listen to our discussion in its entirety, you can access that on demand. Tip #1 – Align yourself to the business’ goals There was a time when IT was all about the nuts and bolts of keeping the business running. You could almost forget the IT department existed—at least until a server went down. Nowadays, however, many business leaders are looking to tech as a way to build a competitive advantage. IT professionals can use this to increase their value to the company. Let’s say one of the business’ goals is to reduce CapEx expenditures. IT has plenty of opportunities to show leadership how that goal can

8 Essential Career Development Tips

In the creative industry, everything can change in the blink of an eye – or the click of a mouse. So, how do you ensure your skills keep up with the latest technologies, trends and standards? That’s the million-dollar question. I’ve been traveling across the United States for 14 months, offering my services to agencies as a freelance copywriter as part of my project, The Great Agency Adventure. As the journey comes to a close, I’d like to share some of the most crucial pieces of career advice I’ve gathered along the way.


Interviews are laborious and they are often more durable while you lack preparation One of the simplest ways to ace your interviews is by being assured, being ready, and realizing your materials. Additionally, take into accout interviews are a two-way street- so no must really feel such as you’re strolling into an investigation. Right here Are The High 9 Interview Suggestions You Cannot Afford To Miss. 1. Over-Put together If you wish to stroll into an interview feeling assured, loosen up and able to ace it- it’s essential be ready (really over-prepared ). There are a lot of issues you are able to do to organize to your interview, listed here are a pair. Analysis the corporate/organization- Use Google, to do extra detailed analysis. Take a look at the critiques present and former staff have left on this website. Analysis the corporate’s mission, its historical past, present firm’s targets. Analysis the names of the founder/s, CEO/President (higher administration). Check ou

Tips, Questions & Portfolios -

Getting ready for a teaching interview? These tips for elementary teacher interviews include interview questions, notes, what to bring to an interview, and portfolio tips. Plus download free printable interview notes and picture portfolio templates to help you prepare! Getting the right teaching job can be so overwhelming! Whether you’re excitedly preparing for your first teaching interview, are looking to move to a new school, or are adventuring to a new state (I feel your pain!), getting a teaching job is no joke. Despite a whole lotta talk about teacher shortages, in my experience the competition for an elementary teaching position has been fierce. If you’re in the same boat, and looking to get serious about your own teacher job search, check out these simple tips for rocking your teacher interview. (Plus if you make it to the end there might just be some FREE printables for you!) The Phone Interview: Although talking on the phone isn’t as ideal as talking in person, one nice thi

10 Job Interview Success Tips

Now I’m sharing them here! In the past, I’ve shared things you should never do in a job interview and how to prepare for a job interview, make sure you read these posts because they will be super valuable in this process. 10 Job Interview Success Tips Find a Professional Outfit Finding something great to wear in an interview is tough! You want to make a great first impression. There is no dress code though! When you walk into an interview, you want to capture the full hiring manager’s attention with your personality and accomplishments and show your professionalism. Don’t wear something that catches their attention from your clothing, dress simple but professional. I would stay away from jeans. If you are stuck on an outfit, try black dress pants, a white shirt and flats or heels! If you are interviewing a field that involves clothing, like fashion, then you definitely want to show your style. Otherwise, make the interview about you, and not what you are wearing. Even when I interviewe