
Showing posts with the label Option

A Great Option for Teaching English Online

Since 2016, we’ve been funding our digital nomad lifestyle by teaching English online . During that time, we’ve mostly worked with Chinese companies such as VIPKID and Gogokid. It was great for the most part, but things started to change, and not for the better. So we started looking into other platforms. One such platform is Langu , which is based in London and has mostly adult students in Europe. I’ve been teaching with Langu since May 2020 and I wanted to share more info about the job and my experience. An Introduction to Langu The history of Langu starts a few years ago in 2017. Two Oxford graduates with a passion for language learning started the company to connect students with quality language teachers around the world. One great thing about Langu is that it’s not just for English learners. You can learn dozens of languages on there, from Spanish to Chinese to Russian. This means that you can apply to teach on Langu even if you’re not an English speaker at all! As my expertise

Is Blogging as a Profession a Good Career Option? Jan 2022

  Blogging as a Profession certainly gives you a great deal of flexibility and a fun-filled career . You feel like an entrepreneur once you grow as a Professional Blogger and this is possible with almost nil investment. This makes Blogging an even more lucrative career option today. It’s a Recession-proof alternative being adopted by not only unemployed or freshers, in fact, working people are also quitting jobs, changing their streams, and shifting to blogging. Technically you need a Hosting, Domain, and Laptop. But, Blogging requires a lot of patience and time. Also, like any other business, it involves continuous learning and implementation . You also need to develop a lot of skills required to be successful in your career, Time Management is just one of them. Blogging today has changed completely and is now taken as a serious full-time profession. It has competition like any other business but creativity beats everything. Must read: Is blogging beneficial for business ? Who can S