
Showing posts with the label Complete

The Complete Guide to Setting Up Your Freelance Writer Website (In One Day or Less!)

If you came up to me today and said this: “Ugh. I’m not getting any freelance writing clients! WTF?!” The first thing I would ask you is whether or not you’ve got a freelance writer website. And if you don’t? Oooooh. You’re in big trouble, my friend. (But don’t worry – if the reason is because you don’t know how to set up a freelance writer website, you’ll know by the end of this post!) Because having a professional-looking freelance writer website that sells is one of the most important things you’ll do to grow your business. Not kidding. You really can’t expect to attract tons of high-paying clients without a website. (Which is why it’s GREAT that you’re here right now!) Now, you might have an “online portfolio” page or something like that. And you might think that’s enough to get you by. … But it’s not. I don’t even like the word “portfolio” when you’re talking about your website. (Seriously – it’s like someone saying “Voldemort” in the Harry Potter world. Not cool, yo.) Because a