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What Is a Proxy Server?

Every day, people use proxy servers to enhance their privacy as they surf the internet. But what is a proxy server, and how do people use it with their web browsing? Let’s take a look into what proxy servers are, why people use them, and how you might be able to use them yourself. What Is a Proxy Server? A proxy server is a special kind of server dedicated to acting as a middle man. It works by sitting between you and the website you want to visit. Instead of visiting a website yourself, you tell the proxy server to connect to it for you. The proxy server connects to it, gets the data from it, then relays the data back to you. This is like hiring a messenger to deliver mail to someone. If you don’t want your recipient to know the letter is from you, you can give it to a third party who delivers it on your behalf. That way, you can get the message sent and not worry about revealing who you are. What Is a Proxy Server Used For? Personal Uses By using a middle-man to browse the inter