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Top 35 Career Development Templates for a Promising Future

Close During the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy is downsizing and restructuring. The need to adapt to the ‘new normal,’ and the professional changes associated with it should be realized more than ever. In the corporate world, career development plays a huge role in the lives of both the employee and the employer as it prepares them for unprecedented challenges.    Let us try to understand career development and its importance in detail. What is Career Development? Introduced by Donald E. Super, career development is the process of acquiring knowledge, skillset, perspectives, and experiences required to move up the corporate ladder. It helps in shaping the career path of an individual and promotes an environment for growth in the existing organization. What is the Importance of Career Development? Career development has the following advantages.   Attracts top candidates for recruitment to ensure a steady supply of talent. Helps in retaining employees in the org