
Showing posts with the label Young

Career Panorama

  Helping Young People Navigate the Post-School Transition Posted on 8/08/2022 High school students want more information about post-school options including alternative pathways into university, vocational education opportunities and to hear from other young people who have recently navigated life after school. Delivering Career Education in the Post-Pandemic World Posted on 27/07/2022 The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound effect on our lives and our careers. It has disrupted education, dealt a major shock to the economy and labour markets, and transformed workplaces through the rapid rise of working from home. Careers Beyond Cancer – A Virtual Churchill Journey Posted on 27/06/2022 As career practitioners we come across many different clients, some with challenging life situations that they are navigating. It is our privilege to assist them in finding their way in their career. Common Career Roadblocks for Doctors Posted on 14/06/2022 It is currently ‘career season’ in the med