
Showing posts with the label Blog

How to Plan Blog Post Topics – Stacey Myers

Not sure how to plan blog post topics?  Well, it is actually really quite an easy process to go through, once you know how. (If you’d prefer to watch, you can do so here.) ONE: Decide on the overarching content theme of your blog. I’m sure you already have a good idea of what you want to blog about. The main idea of your blog is, of course, going to be whatever your area of expertise it. Are you a doctor, nutritionist, coach…? My main theme is ‘helping people to take their expertise and turn it into a business’. I have created a few sheets you can use to help you write this out. TWO: Know who you are creating content for. If you are a nutritionist, who do you want to help? People with diabetes, mums that have just had a baby, people in business who need to move more often? It is easy to think that we can help everyone but we need focus on a slightly smaller community, than everyone. If you aren’t really sure about who you want to work with (who your ideal client is), I have a video th

50+ Best Blog Examples (2022): Popular & Inspiring Blogs

  We’ve created this article with a simple mission, to share with new bloggers some examples of successful and popular blogs on the web.  Hopefully, these niche blog examples will motivate you to start your own blog.   The best blogs share similar properties that make them successful:  These bloggers post engaging and useful content that attracts visitors. Popular blog writers know how to communicate with their target audience. Top-rated online blogs have plenty of traffic and build a community around them.  Many blogs can become a lucrative source of income for talented bloggers. However, the quality of the content itself is sometimes not enough, meaning that most popular blogs also pay attention to design. If you’re looking for the best blog examples to inspire you, you’re on the right page. We have covered a wide variety of top personal blogs and sorted them by niches. Read on! 52 examples of the most popular personal blogs in different niches We chose some of the most currently p

How to Start a Successful Blog in 2022

  Learn how to start a blog in less than an hour. Become a blogger today by following the steps we used when starting our blog, which now has reached more than 20 million people and has been seen in the New York Times , TIME magazine, and on the TODAY show. How to Become a Blogger in 5 Simple Steps Choose your blog name and get your blog hosting. Start your blog by adding WordPress. Pick a simple theme to make your blog your own. Add two key blogging plugins to find your readers and track stats. Write compelling content to create a blog that your readers love. Do you want to start a blog fast? This is a long essay and you may want to start your blog without learning all the details. This is the first how to quickly start a blog guidepost. To start a blog fast simply: Look for these boxes. Follow the brief steps. Click the link to jump to the next box. Click here to go to the first step. How We Started This Blog Want to create something meaningful? Why not start a blog? Why not become