
Showing posts with the label Freelance

29 Work From Home Jobs & Where to Find Them

Sharing is caring! This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you book or buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. Learn more The choice of work from home jobs has never been greater as we enter the new decade of the 2020s. However, being aware of the trends and sectors that favor remote work goes a long way to helping you find a work from home job. In this guide, we’re going to identify those jobs. We’re also going to explore where to look for work from home jobs, what you need to get those jobs, and what you need to know about the challenges of working remotely. Where to Find Work From Jobs While traditional job boards operate under the assumption that their advertised jobs will be onsite, many have now started adding ‘remote’ or ‘remote possible’ to their search filters. There are websites, however, that specialize in work from home jobs and remote opportunities. 1 – FlexJobs An excellent place to search for

Learn How to Become a Freelance Web Developer for Free

In the freelance world, you are only limited by what you know. If you are willing to learn, there are endless possibilities for finding freelance opportunities and success! I am always on the lookout for free ways for freelancers to expand their knowledge base and in return their service offerings, business, and earnings. If you are a current freelancer looking for a change of pace or are new to freelancing and want to start out on the right foot by offering an in-demand service, check out this one skill that commands an average of $30.00 per hour. The best part? You can learn it for free! Web Developers: In-demand Freelance Opportunity Web developers are the creative minds behind the look and function of websites. They are a combination of graphic designer and technical developer all rolled into one. Sometimes, web developers may even be called on to create dummy content for the websites they create. Why is this service so popular? There are over a billion websites registered (yes, a

Freelance Writing Job Leads for July 24, 2017

I remain astounded by just how much freelance writing work here is out there — and in so many niches. Clients need everything from product reviews, to social media content, to ongoing post for their blogs. And I’m seeing many more full-time, remote positions– with benefits. Good luck applying! Note: This post contains affiliate links. Here’s the site’s affiliate disclosure policy for full details. Freelance Writing Jobs 1. High Quality Content Creators Wanted: 750 to 1500 Word Articles/Guide: We are seeking a high quality content creator with manufacturing industry experience. Research and sources required. Please send us a few writing samples. Rate:  $75-$100/article. 2. Tax book writers to rewrite and edit existing materials: We are looking to hire technical writers in tax for a new series of textbooks. No research is required. Writers will use existing source materials to rewrite. A paid sample will be required before hire. Rate: Submit per-page bid. 3. Lead Writer and Podcast J

The Complete Guide to Setting Up Your Freelance Writer Website (In One Day or Less!)

If you came up to me today and said this: “Ugh. I’m not getting any freelance writing clients! WTF?!” The first thing I would ask you is whether or not you’ve got a freelance writer website. And if you don’t? Oooooh. You’re in big trouble, my friend. (But don’t worry – if the reason is because you don’t know how to set up a freelance writer website, you’ll know by the end of this post!) Because having a professional-looking freelance writer website that sells is one of the most important things you’ll do to grow your business. Not kidding. You really can’t expect to attract tons of high-paying clients without a website. (Which is why it’s GREAT that you’re here right now!) Now, you might have an “online portfolio” page or something like that. And you might think that’s enough to get you by. … But it’s not. I don’t even like the word “portfolio” when you’re talking about your website. (Seriously – it’s like someone saying “Voldemort” in the Harry Potter world. Not cool, yo.) Because a