
Showing posts with the label Entrepreneur

Is Blogging a Good Career in 2022?

  When I first started blogging, it was something of a hobby. I enjoyed writing and sharing my insights and knowledge with the world related to digital marketing. Whenever I received a new comment, I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Many years have passed since those first days, but I’ve never lost my passion for blogging. However, I don’t just do it because I love it. I do it because it’s a great way to make passive income and have complete control over my own schedule. Over the last seven years, I’ve made over $1 million off of blogs I’ve built, monetized, and sold. While some naysayers will say that blogging is not a real career, my experience says otherwise. And even though I’m consistently making several thousand dollars a month from my blogs, I’m still not making all that much compared to industry-leading bloggers like Arianna Huffington who has made over $300 million from her Huffington Post blog. The truth is that building a successful blog takes time, effort, patience, an