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Best Career Resources: Blogs, Books, & Podcasts

Have you already decided what career path you want to pursue? Perhaps you’re considering a career change? Maybe you’re entertaining the idea of starting a second career?  When it comes to career development, the struggle is real. There are so many paths to choose from, especially in the age of knowledge work. Thankfully, there’s no shortage of resources available to help you navigate this journey.  Here are Shortfrom’s picks of the best career resources, including blogs, books, and podcasts.  Making Career Choices The matter of career has never been more relevant as they are today: We are now in the era of the “knowledge worker,” which has altered the kind of work we do.  Knowledge working means that now we can make choices about our working lives, and making good choices is necessary to having a successful career. As a knowledge worker, you can, for instance, choose where you work, and for how long you work there, unlike in the past, when workers had one career path for life. As you