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Top 7 Hardest Interview Questions and the Best Answers

What are the most difficult interview questions? Hardest interview questions a nd how to answer them 1. What can you do for us that other candidates can’t? Although it may seem that way, this question is not an invitation to put other candidates down. Instead, it’s your chance to acknowledge what sets you apart from a sea of similarly qualified applicants. To do this, it’s best to prepare a list of your unique strengths and skills. When preparing them, don’t be too generic. Instead of saying “I’m good with people,” focus on why you are good with people. Is it because of natural leadership abilities? Or maybe your time spent traveling the world? Once you know your unique qualities, try to apply them to the job and company. Research any current challenges the company is facing or ask the interviewer what the top priorities are in the position. Then, demonstrate how your skills and strengths could help you achieve those and propel the company forward. 2. Why should I hire you? This is you