
Showing posts with the label Great

Top 20 OKR Examples for Your Organization I OKRs

What are OKRs? OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) is methodology for goal setting where an objective outlines a desired outcome and is supported by 3-5 quantifiable and measurable key results to achieve that outcome. Objectives are defined as what you want to achieve; these outcomes should be expressed in a strong, motivating way. Key Results are how you will achieve an objective. Key Results can be either quantifiable performance measures or deliverables (effort or projects). Defining Great Objectives for OKRs Objectives are the “Whats.” Objectives are company-wide, or in larger organizations, are also team-wide. They should be expressed in a tangible, motivating and unambiguous way, so that what the organization or team wants to achieve is clear, actionable and inspiring. Furthermore, we believe strongly that the successful achievement of an objective must provide clear value for the organization. Validate your Objectives: Is what we want to accomplis

A Great Option for Teaching English Online

Since 2016, we’ve been funding our digital nomad lifestyle by teaching English online . During that time, we’ve mostly worked with Chinese companies such as VIPKID and Gogokid. It was great for the most part, but things started to change, and not for the better. So we started looking into other platforms. One such platform is Langu , which is based in London and has mostly adult students in Europe. I’ve been teaching with Langu since May 2020 and I wanted to share more info about the job and my experience. An Introduction to Langu The history of Langu starts a few years ago in 2017. Two Oxford graduates with a passion for language learning started the company to connect students with quality language teachers around the world. One great thing about Langu is that it’s not just for English learners. You can learn dozens of languages on there, from Spanish to Chinese to Russian. This means that you can apply to teach on Langu even if you’re not an English speaker at all! As my expertise

10 Great Blogs for Career Advice and Job Search Tips

  When you need tips for writing your resume, planning a career path, creating long-term goals, and more, these blogs are a great place to turn. Explore these ten blogs for excellent career advice and job search tips. It seems like everywhere you look, someone has advice on conducting your job search. There are so many people offering advice it can get overwhelming. When you need actionable tips on writing resumes, narrowing down career choices, and creating long-term career development goals , these blogs are a great place to begin. Hear from career professionals with unique styles to get you to the next level of your career. Whether you’re a new graduate just beginning your career journey, a retiree considering launching a freelance career, or somewhere in between, below are some great tips to help you excel. Find Your New Favorite Career Blog Many articles are written by professional recruiters offering an inside scoop. Perhaps one of them will make all t

10 Great Sites for Finding Blogging Jobs (Even as a Beginner)

  Looking for blogging jobs? Want to make money writing but not sure where to find the best gigs? Maybe you want the flexibility to work from home part-time as a freelancer so you can care for your family. Or you’re ready to turn your love of writing into a full-time profitable career. Whatever your reasons, you know that plenty of bloggers are living the dream and making good money. So, where do you find these opportunities? Luckily, there are PLENTY of high-quality paid blogging gigs. You just need to know where to look. What Are Blogging Jobs? A paid blogging job is an opportunity to create knock-out content for someone else’s blog while: Your main focus is blog writing. And you’re typically only responsible for the SEO content and not other aspects of their digital marketing strategy. The 10 Best Sites for Blogging Jobs Check out these 10 sites for finding high-quality blogging jobs, including opportunities for beginners. 1. ProBlogger ProBlogger is a well-known, highly-respected