
Showing posts with the label National

What to Teach for Career Development Month

National Career Development Month is here and we’ve compiled our favorite learning games, skill-building activities, and webinars for students to realize their passions, while building the skills necessary for life after school.  Best part? It’s built by educators for educators. Oh and its FREE! Can’t spend all month on Career Development? That’s ok – we got you covered with a week planner or day planner if that’s all the time you have! Get the free lesson planner! ⬇️   Week 1: Build background knowledge around job qualifications   Start the week by identifying characteristics of an effective boss with a skill-building activity. Continue the conversation with a lesson focusing on defining and discussing the purpose of a job posting. Students will put these skills into practice when they play learning game, A Job to D o , as they look to fill a new role at the community center. Close the week with Read to Lead: Live!, A student-centered webinar career chat series. Sign up for your ti