
Showing posts with the label plan

How to Plan Blog Post Topics – Stacey Myers

Not sure how to plan blog post topics?  Well, it is actually really quite an easy process to go through, once you know how. (If you’d prefer to watch, you can do so here.) ONE: Decide on the overarching content theme of your blog. I’m sure you already have a good idea of what you want to blog about. The main idea of your blog is, of course, going to be whatever your area of expertise it. Are you a doctor, nutritionist, coach…? My main theme is ‘helping people to take their expertise and turn it into a business’. I have created a few sheets you can use to help you write this out. TWO: Know who you are creating content for. If you are a nutritionist, who do you want to help? People with diabetes, mums that have just had a baby, people in business who need to move more often? It is easy to think that we can help everyone but we need focus on a slightly smaller community, than everyone. If you aren’t really sure about who you want to work with (who your ideal client is), I have a video th

How to Create a Career Development Plan

To create a successful career development plan, it is important to first understand what your goals are. What do you hope to achieve in your career? To create a successful career development plan, it is important to first understand what your goals are. What do you hope to achieve in your career? Once you have a good understanding of your goals, you can begin to map out the steps necessary to achieve them. A career development plan should be tailored to fit your unique situation and needs. There are many resources available to help you create a plan that works for you. A career development plan is a document that helps you stay on track with your career goals. It can also help you make the most of your skills and experiences, and identify any gaps in your knowledge, skills, abilities, or experience. There are several things you need to include in your career development plan. First, you need to identify your long-term and short-term goals. Then, you need to come up with a strategy for

The importance of a career development plan

Building a career development plan may be the most important thing you need for your organization and employees. Why? Because humans have a fundamental need to grow and feel accomplishment. This is especially true for work life. Contrary to popular belief that people leave an organization because of a bad manager, Our People Scientists have found that poor career development opportunities are the most significant contributor to turnover.  Historically, organizational strategies to build career development plans have been to organize jobs as a hierarchy: stepping stones to move linearly up the corporate ladder. This article will discuss why that approach may no longer be viable and how high-performing organizations adapt their strategies to meet the rapidly changing world of work.  What is the new normal “world of work”? The traditional idea of static career pathways may no longer hold in the new world of work where jobs and roles need to be agile and responsive to a dynamic environment

What’s the difference between a career development plan and an employee development plan?

Understand the difference between an employee development plan and an employee career plan Although similar, these two plans have distinctly different methods and purposes.  An employee development plan focuses on the development of an employee’s skills, and is often aligned to larger business growth and goals. This plan is more focused on skills gain, identified by the talent developer according to hiring needs or business skills gaps. 1 A career development plan is a personalised plan that targets a specific employee’s aim of learning and developing new skills, for the purpose of advancing their individual career path. 2 It’s less managed by company talent developers and more aligned to the personal efforts of the employee.   Although both plans function by establishing set goal objectives, an employee development plan is more commonly fuelled by company incentives . As employees improve, so does the company. Training is an effective way of preparing future organisation leaders, by