
Showing posts with the label Seekers

Our 10 Best Blogs For Job Seekers In 2021

  Many professionals were eager to bounce back in 2021. Whether that meant rebounding from a layoff, pursuing exciting professional development opportunities, or landing a new job, there was a collective desire to establish a sense of normalcy this year. While things may never go back to the way they once were, job seekers were ready to move forward. With the world continuing to adjust to our ‘new normal,’ there was plenty of career and job searching advice to be given to those looking for it. Here are our top 10 blogs for job seekers that we wrote in 2021: Should You Quit Your Job During The Great Resignation? Many professionals said “I quit” in 2021. This phenomenon, known as “The Great Resignation,” has led people to rethink their careers, the meaning of work, and their relationship with their employers. As millions jumped from one job to the next, you may have wondered if you should do the same. This blog asked whether you should stay with your current company, or move on to a new

5 Careers Blog Tips from Rally Award Winners

  When researching your organization, candidates aren’t just looking for information on the role, they’re also interested in company culture and values. In fact, this year’s Jobvite Job Seeker Nation Report found that 86% of job seekers say company culture is important in their decision to apply for a job.  This reflects in the kinds of content that candidates are now interested in as well. For example, this year’s CareerArc Future of Recruitment Study reported that 3 of the top 5 types of content motivating job seekers to apply to a job include: Employee stories and spotlights  Diversity, equity and inclusion messages Employee day-in-the-life videos The better you can fill in these blanks for candidates, the more motivated they’ll be to hit that “apply” button, and one of the best ways to do that is through a dedicated careers blog. Social media may be where a growing number of candidates are going to learn about your company, but Jobvite found that careers sites are still where the

Top 5 Blogs on Career Advice for Job Seekers

  As job seekers, and with rejection in the job searching process, we often lose sight of how to adjust the application process. More often than not, there are simple tips and tricks provided through blogs specifically targeted at job seekers themselves! This is why we would like to provide a Job Seekers Guide to finding the BEST BLOGS which provide information and career advice!  Remember that when reading, subscribing to a mail list or applying to job boards that this opens up opportunities for you to be alerted to new opportunities that are relevant to your skills and experience.  Guardian Careers  This blog and article page provides REAL LIFE stories and experiences from the perspective of the job seeker themselves. Relatable and informative – we love learning from personal experiences and the lived experiences of others.  Career Savvy  Career Savvy provides information, advice and articles from a modern perspective. It considers all levels of experience, from starting a job to the

15 Best Blogs for Job Seekers

  Reading blogs can give you a really great insight into the world of careers and recruitment. Whether you’re looking for a step-by-step guide to writing the perfect cover letter, or a more general introduction to using social media in your job search (and everything in between), there are plenty of articles out there that can help you. What’s more, these blogs are often written by recruitment insiders whose advice and tips can make the difference between success or disappointment. By learning how the experts manage interviews, careers and even their personal brand, you can learn how to set yourself apart from the crowd and stand out in the right way. Most blogs provide an opportunity for you to sign up to their mailing list, so their advice is delivered straight to you. Be selective with those you sign up for, of course, and consider setting up an email folder specifically for blog emails, then set aside a period of time each week to actually read them. We’ve read a lot of job-search