
Showing posts with the label complaining

10 Inspiring Blogs To Help Boost Your Career

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, then you’ve probably already heard us   complaining about the mounds of absolute crap, so-called “career advice” that can be found online..? It frustrates us because we know how hard it can be to find a job in the first place, without being hoodwinked by myths about “being more creative” or pulling silly job-hunt stunts! (When, most of the time, a simple, well-written and structured CV is actually more appealing.) However, there are some trustworthy companies (like us) out there, offering really great advice on career development, job hunting and entrepreneurship – so this week, I’ve been sourcing them for you! Introducing, the top 10 reputable career blogs, that you should be subscribed to, to boost your career! (Excluding our own blog of course, but hopefully you’ve already seen the value in that.) 1.  Career Savvy Topics:  Job hunting and interviews, career development, money saving, self employment, student and graduate advice. Link: