
Showing posts with the label Online

Molina Healthcare Application: Jobs & Careers Online

Are you looking for a new job in the healthcare industry? Whether you are launching your career or a licensed professional, Molina Healthcare is a great place to work. This leading healthcare company was founded in California in 1980. Today, Molina Healthcare locations can be found in fifteen different states. The company serves millions of people and regularly hires new employees of all levels. So, make sure your Molina Healthcare Application: Jobs & Careers Online appeals to hiring managers by checking out the following information. Facts About Working At Molina Healthcare You need to be at least eighteen to work at Molina Healthcare . The company operates around the clock to meet the needs of different clients. Employees of all levels have to be flexible and work a range of shift patterns. Molina Healthcare boasts many special healthcare clinics throughout the United States. Employees need to have empathy and be able to relate to patients from all walks of life. Also, being abl

A Great Option for Teaching English Online

Since 2016, we’ve been funding our digital nomad lifestyle by teaching English online . During that time, we’ve mostly worked with Chinese companies such as VIPKID and Gogokid. It was great for the most part, but things started to change, and not for the better. So we started looking into other platforms. One such platform is Langu , which is based in London and has mostly adult students in Europe. I’ve been teaching with Langu since May 2020 and I wanted to share more info about the job and my experience. An Introduction to Langu The history of Langu starts a few years ago in 2017. Two Oxford graduates with a passion for language learning started the company to connect students with quality language teachers around the world. One great thing about Langu is that it’s not just for English learners. You can learn dozens of languages on there, from Spanish to Chinese to Russian. This means that you can apply to teach on Langu even if you’re not an English speaker at all! As my expertise

50+ Online Jobs to Work from Home Without Investment and Registration Fee

Online jobs from home without investment Looking for online jobs without investment and registration fee? Is it possible to find work from home jobs without investment? Yes you can, and in today’s post you will learn how to make money online without paying anything. Investing money to start an online career might feel challenging especially if you are unsure you have made the right decision. Most common questions that may worry you are: Is it a legitimate work opportunity? Is it worth the money (considering we invest)? To filter this out, I have compiled a list of 50 jobs from home online without investment They are fully flexible so you can choose if you want to work part-time or full-time hours. These opportunities work well for stay-at-home parents and college students looking for online work. *This post may contain affiliate links.  Disclosure .   How to Earn Money Online Without Investment If you are looking for some fast and easy money making ideas you can consider surveys, selli

6 Digital Product Ideas That You Can Create In A Week

If you’ve been in the online business world, you’ve probably come across the term “digital products”. Digital products are kind of like the poster child for passive income when it comes to running an online business, although they can take a considerable amount of time to become truly passive. I started my journey creating digital products one year ago, when I read in a blogging industry report that the majority of 6 & 7 figure bloggers had a huge chunk of income that came from digital products. Why you ask? Because once you create a digital product, that’s pretty much it. You can update it once or twice a year and decide the level of 1:1 support you’d like to provide. Digital products don’t rely on third-party ads or affiliate networks. They are almost always entirely in your control leading to high profit-margins when done right. You can sell them as often as you want, as much as you want and as passively as you want. A lot of people instantly associate digital products with “onl

Is Blogging a Good Career in 2022?

  When I first started blogging, it was something of a hobby. I enjoyed writing and sharing my insights and knowledge with the world related to digital marketing. Whenever I received a new comment, I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. Many years have passed since those first days, but I’ve never lost my passion for blogging. However, I don’t just do it because I love it. I do it because it’s a great way to make passive income and have complete control over my own schedule. Over the last seven years, I’ve made over $1 million off of blogs I’ve built, monetized, and sold. While some naysayers will say that blogging is not a real career, my experience says otherwise. And even though I’m consistently making several thousand dollars a month from my blogs, I’m still not making all that much compared to industry-leading bloggers like Arianna Huffington who has made over $300 million from her Huffington Post blog. The truth is that building a successful blog takes time, effort, patience, an