
Showing posts with the label Portfolios

Tips, Questions & Portfolios -

Getting ready for a teaching interview? These tips for elementary teacher interviews include interview questions, notes, what to bring to an interview, and portfolio tips. Plus download free printable interview notes and picture portfolio templates to help you prepare! Getting the right teaching job can be so overwhelming! Whether you’re excitedly preparing for your first teaching interview, are looking to move to a new school, or are adventuring to a new state (I feel your pain!), getting a teaching job is no joke. Despite a whole lotta talk about teacher shortages, in my experience the competition for an elementary teaching position has been fierce. If you’re in the same boat, and looking to get serious about your own teacher job search, check out these simple tips for rocking your teacher interview. (Plus if you make it to the end there might just be some FREE printables for you!) The Phone Interview: Although talking on the phone isn’t as ideal as talking in person, one nice thi