
Showing posts with the label importance

The importance of a career development plan

Building a career development plan may be the most important thing you need for your organization and employees. Why? Because humans have a fundamental need to grow and feel accomplishment. This is especially true for work life. Contrary to popular belief that people leave an organization because of a bad manager, Our People Scientists have found that poor career development opportunities are the most significant contributor to turnover.  Historically, organizational strategies to build career development plans have been to organize jobs as a hierarchy: stepping stones to move linearly up the corporate ladder. This article will discuss why that approach may no longer be viable and how high-performing organizations adapt their strategies to meet the rapidly changing world of work.  What is the new normal “world of work”? The traditional idea of static career pathways may no longer hold in the new world of work where jobs and roles need to be agile and responsive to a dynamic environment