
Showing posts with the label Creating

How to Plan Blog Post Topics – Stacey Myers

Not sure how to plan blog post topics?  Well, it is actually really quite an easy process to go through, once you know how. (If you’d prefer to watch, you can do so here.) ONE: Decide on the overarching content theme of your blog. I’m sure you already have a good idea of what you want to blog about. The main idea of your blog is, of course, going to be whatever your area of expertise it. Are you a doctor, nutritionist, coach…? My main theme is ‘helping people to take their expertise and turn it into a business’. I have created a few sheets you can use to help you write this out. TWO: Know who you are creating content for. If you are a nutritionist, who do you want to help? People with diabetes, mums that have just had a baby, people in business who need to move more often? It is easy to think that we can help everyone but we need focus on a slightly smaller community, than everyone. If you aren’t really sure about who you want to work with (who your ideal client is), I have a video th

Project Status Report Checklist - Creating Your Weekly Report

Lists are important. They help us prioritize—and remember to complete—important tasks. Have you ever gone to the grocery store specifically for one thing, then left with a cart full of everything but? If you leave your grocery list at home, you’re at the mercy of our fallible human memory. As a project manager, you need to create regular project status reports to update stakeholders on project progress. And just like at the grocery store, no matter how often you create a project status report, there’s a chance you’ll forget something if you don’t have a list. To ensure that your weekly status updates contain the essential information your stakeholders need, we’ve created a simple checklist you can use as a status report template:   Download Checklist   We’ll look at each section in more detail and explain what information you should include and how you should structure your project report. We’ll also explore how project tracking software can help you create your project status reports