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Qualitative Chart Chooser 3.0

Why isn’t qualitative data viz as well developed as quantitative data viz? Here at Evergreen Data, we are trying to tackle that. Qualitative data gives us more power to engage people’s hearts and minds. We are able to extend our data story to a more personal level. When we are being told a story, not only are the language processing parts in our brain activated, but so is any other area in our brain that we would use when experiencing the actual events of the story. If someone tells us about how delicious certain foods were, our sensory cortex lights up. If it’s about motion, our motor cortex gets active. Our main goal in communicating with our audience is that they will remember our main point, right? Well, when we tell people stories they are better at remembering what we say because more parts of their brain are engaged. Stories inspire people to take action. All of that to say, qualitative data gives us more power to tell our audiences engaging data stories. Sounds like it should