
Showing posts with the label Employees

How managers can create empowered employees by investing in their career development planning.

For any company to grow, its employees must feel empowered on an individual level. Those who use their strengths every day are six times as likely to be engaged on the job. Those who feel their voice is heard are around 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best.  But how to enable this? Studies show that 89% of HR leaders agree that ongoing peer feedback and check-ins are key for successful outcomes. Therefore, managers must put serious effort into their team’s career development planning.  What Is Career Development Planning?  Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was the world’s most successful employee. That’s why everyone must train themselves and develop their careers continuously. A career development plan helps you do just that. It’s a detailed document that contains an employee’s short-term and long-term goals, along with planned formal and informal simulations and training to achieve them. Managers play a crucial role in the career development of their

Blogs To Help Boost Your Career

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