
Showing posts with the label job

Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interviews 2022 [Great Answers]

Ah, that age-old job interview question. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Indeed, this is a type of behavioral interview question. You might have the perfect skill set and experience for a job. But recruiters want to see in job interviews that you can work well in the company’s culture. Table of Contents What do employers want to know about you in an interview? Your strengths and weaknesses will determine if you are able and qualified to succeed in a job. In short, the employer wants to understand why you think you’re a good match for the position and the organization. They might also want to consider what challenges could arise. Overall, it’s an opportunity to evaluate your capacity for self-reflection for them. Thinking about and naming your strengths and weaknesses effectively is a skill you will use in every interview, whether the question focuses on your positive or negative attributes. How relevant are your strengths and weaknesses to the position? There are a few

Making a Budget Work with Job Loss

If there is any time when understanding your budget is vital, it is when you experience job loss. Making a Budget Work with Job Loss may seem impossible, but it really is the best time to enforce that budget guideline. Below are some tips that have been used in the past when job loss has affected others. Making a Budget Work with Job Loss First, you must understand what a budget actually is for your family. I have shared about why you need a budget in the past but will review the basics for you before we get into how to make one work with job loss. As mentioned in the above-linked post, budgeting is all about holding yourself accountable. By seeing your income and expenses all lined up in one place, you can quickly notice places you are overspending. As a result, you are more aware of your habits, and can readily make changes to help your overall finances. A budget is, very simply, a list of income and expenses for each month. Evaluate your current checking and savi

Freelance Writing Job Leads for July 24, 2017

I remain astounded by just how much freelance writing work here is out there — and in so many niches. Clients need everything from product reviews, to social media content, to ongoing post for their blogs. And I’m seeing many more full-time, remote positions– with benefits. Good luck applying! Note: This post contains affiliate links. Here’s the site’s affiliate disclosure policy for full details. Freelance Writing Jobs 1. High Quality Content Creators Wanted: 750 to 1500 Word Articles/Guide: We are seeking a high quality content creator with manufacturing industry experience. Research and sources required. Please send us a few writing samples. Rate:  $75-$100/article. 2. Tax book writers to rewrite and edit existing materials: We are looking to hire technical writers in tax for a new series of textbooks. No research is required. Writers will use existing source materials to rewrite. A paid sample will be required before hire. Rate: Submit per-page bid. 3. Lead Writer and Podcast J

Causes Why You are Not Touchdown Job Interviews

If you’re feeling pissed off since you’re sending a whole bunch of job functions with out listening to again from recruiters, you aren’t alone. Many job seekers, though certified, are discovering it tough to land a job interview. A number of the the explanation why you aren’t touchdown any job interviews may be the next: You don’t have a goal Being unemployed and having payments to pay isn’t serving to, nonetheless sending a whole bunch of job functions with out having a transparent goal, is not going to assist both. It is advisable to have a listing of potential goal jobs that suit your expertise, expertise, and persona, with a purpose to improve your possibilities of touchdown a job interview. If for instance your present place or most up-to-date place is Account Govt, you need to goal for the next positions: Account Govt, Account Supervisor, Gross sales Govt, Gross sales Supervisor, and so forth. Aiming for a Gross sales Director may be one of many the explanation why you aren’t tou

5 Issues You Ought to By no means Do In A Job Interview

  Con-freaking-grats. You’ve utilized for a job and gotten an INTERVIEW. Mother will likely be so proud. Actually…I’m simply so comfortable your resume doesn’t suck (perhaps you adopted the following tips?!). You already know that an interview is your one likelihood to get a job which may let you dwell in an area that doesn’t resemble a Harry Potter’s closet. F*cking lastly. More often than not, you’ll have multiple job interview if you’re making use of to an organization. The excellent news: the identical guidelines apply for what to do in the course of the half-hour you get as your future place of job. The final word query: how will you make sure you don’t royally screw it up!? I WANT you to keep away from calling your mother subsequent month for the lease examine you’ve been saving up for. So let’s crush this job interview collectively. Examine and examine! Look. I’m all for work-life stability and if in case you have sh*t occurring, truthfully no biggie. However, the very last thi

The 50 Best Career Blogs You Should Read in 2022

The Muse Practical advice surrounding job search, career exploration, and overall professional success. Featured articles discuss relevant topics relating to the employment market, as well as current events and news in the workforce. HR Bartender An experienced HR professional focuses on workplace-related topics surpassing typical human resource expectations to be a better leader. Drives home areas of supervision, engagement, and general career advice. Undercover Recruiter Comprehensive content surrounding job and career development, solutions, and outlooks. Aids both job-seekers and employers alike across branding, acquisition, and workplace and features the Employer Branding Podcast. Workology Comprehensive resource for professionals dedicated to transforming and improving organizations, workforces, and industries. Specifically focused on HR and recruitment professio