36 Best Blogging Jobs Sites in 2022 (Where to Get Blogging Work)


Decades ago when the very first blog posts were written, few were thinking about blogging jobs. In fact, not many ever thought that something originally seen as an online diary could one day grow into a source of income for millions of people around the world.

Enter: Blogging jobs. One of the best ways to monetize your blogging skills—is to land the right blogging jobs (and whether they’re freelance or full-time, remote gigs are on the rise today). Plus, landing paid blogging work is a great way to earn a living doing something you love. Now, let’s take a look at the best websites to get blogging jobs in 2022.

36 Blogging Jobs Sites to Get Paid Blogging Work in 2022

  1. Contena
  2. SolidGigs
  3. ProBlogger
  4. Freelance Writing Gigs
  5. Flexjobs
  6. Blogging Pro
  7. Be a Freelance Blogger
  8. Direct Response Jobs
  9. Freelance Writing
  10. Morning Coffee Newsletter
  11. All Freelance Writing
  12. Freedom with Writing
  13. Media Bistro
  14. Paid to Blog
  15. Publoft
  16. Contently
  17. Jooble
  18. ServiceScape
  19. Dynamite Jobs
  20. HubStaff Talent
  21. We Work Remotely
  22. Remote.co
  23. Jobspresso
  24. Remote.ok
  25. Outsourcely
  26. Workew
  27. 100 Telecommute Jobs
  28. Remotees
  29. Textbroker
  30. Listiller
  31. Cloudpeeps
  32. LinkedIn
  33. Freelancer
  34. Guru
  35. Indeed
  36. Craigslist

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links and at no additional cost to you, I’ll earn a commission. Know that I only recommend products and services I’ve personally used and stand behind. When you use one of my affiliate links, the company compensates me, which helps me run this blog and keep all of my in-depth content free of charge for readers (like you).

Real quick before we dive into this full list of the best places to find paid blogger jobs this year…

Want a paid blogging job working for me?

I’m always hiring skilled writers (on a freelance basis) to collaborate with me on the various projects I run—including this blog, here.

Ryan Robinson Podcaster and Blogger Working in a Coffee Shop

So, if you’d like to apply for a blogging job with me—head on over here and fill out my contact form sharing (1) a bit about yourself, (2) your blogging & freelance writing experience and (3) your rates. I’m looking forward to hearing from you! 😊

Why do companies hire writers for blogging jobs?

For one, starting a blog and publishing high-value content has become one of the absolute best proven channels for companies to:

  • Increase their brand awareness
  • Improve search engine rankings (blog SEO)
  • Drive traffic and nurture leads
  • Close sales and increase value with existing customers

Beyond just these core fundamental advantages for businesses to engage in blogging, it can also be used to achieve many other personal goals (like growing your own online business). To put it in perspective, research shows that content marketing (of which blogging is the main foundation) is set to become a $4 billion industry by 2022. And guess who’ll be fueling that industry? Content writers like you, that are filling all of the best blogging jobs on the market.

How much do blogging jobs pay?

Blogging jobs (like all jobs) can vary widely in how much they pay, based on many different factors like who the client is, what your level of experience (and skill) is, your quality of output, the time to completion, what you’re able to negotiate and more.

As a ballpark figure though, you should expect most good blogging jobs to start at no less than around $.08/word and up. Ideally more like $.10/word and up. That way, if you’re taking on a blogging job of writing a 2,000 word article for a client (which most experienced writers could complete within a few hours), you should earn at least $160 to $200 for a few hours of your work. The more experience you have, the higher your rates should be. Check out these resources on my blog to help price your blog writing services and command the fees you deserve:

Are most blogging jobs remote or in-person?

Today, most blogging jobs are completely remote, since all that’s required is a computer and decent Internet connection. This opens up paid blogging work to writers around the world that want to monetize their relevant skills. While you can certainly still find in-person blogging jobs that’d bring you on as a full-time content writer for a particular business (or agency), the vast majority of blogging work now goes to contract-based freelance writers that can be located anywhere in the world. And because I only want to recommend blogger jobs that can be done from anywhere in the world, the blogging jobs websites we’re highlighting in this list have a focus on remote-first gigs.

If you’re contemplating writing or blogging as a career and wondering where to start in your search for blogging jobs, you’ve come to the right place. First, we’re going to highlight all of the best blogging jobs sites on the market in 2022, and we’ll finish by walking through my best advice for how to maximize your chances of landing paid blogger jobs in your industry.

So, let’s dive into my list of the best blogging jobs sites you should be keeping an eye on, in order to land paid blogging work today.

If you’re looking for a place to find the absolute best blogging jobs (that pay very well), then Contena should be your very first stop.

Contena Homepage Screenshot (Top Website for Blogging Jobs)

This platform curates some of the best blogging jobs on the Internet, spanning every vertical you can think of from finance to lifestyle, food, technology, healthy, beauty, business, design and more. While their homepage is constantly updating with new blogging jobs as soon as fresh opportunities are added, here’s a quick snapshot of what I saw listed the other day:

Sampling of Blogging Jobs Available on Contena Right Now

The only downside of Contena, is that in order to gain access to apply to these blogging jobs, you’ll have to become a member of the Contena platform first. The application process involves signing up with your email address right here, after which you’ll be placed on a waiting list. Once accepted, a membership fee of $497 is required to access their jobs portal, but membership also comes with access to one of the best online courses around for writers.

While it’s certainly an upfront investment, it’s a relatively small price to pay, in order to be guided into a lucrative blogging career—especially since you can recover that initial investment from landing just one paid blogging job at the kinds of rates their gigs offer.

SolidGigs was born out of a desire to help freelancers break the dreaded feast or famine cycle (that so many bloggers struggle with). By curating the “top 1%” of blogging jobs, the platform promises freelance writers access to handpicked jobs that are not only fulfilling, but pay well too. They do this by partnering with big brands like WordPress, Trello, Fox and a host of other household names.

SolidGigs Homepage Screenshot (Example of Site to Get Gig Lists)

To help you qualify for the cream of the crop blogging jobs they list, SolidGigs also offers very comprehensive courses on how to launch and run a freelance career. The courses are packed with templates, scripts, advice and spreadsheets to help you run a well-oiled freelance blogging business. Plus, if you have other skills you’d like to monetize, SolidGigs curates freelance jobs in a wide variety of categories beyond just writing opportunities.

Of course, this kind of value rarely comes for free, but in this case, it’s almost free as SolidGigs offers a 30-day trial for $2. Afterwards, membership comes at an affordable $19/month investment—which is easily paid off by landing just one gig from their job board every once in a while.

Founded by one of the most prominent figures in the blogging world, Darren Rowse—his site, ProBlogger is a website dedicated to helping ordinary people achieve their dreams of becoming professional bloggers.

ProBlogger Job Board Screenshot

The blog name says it all here. One way Darren seeks to help readers turn their passion for writing into a lucrative (professional) career, is through the ProBlogger job board. This is a place where clients can list their available blogging jobs (for a $70 one-time fee) and interested bloggers can apply for those jobs directly on the platform. There are usually hundreds of open blogging jobs available on this site:

Examples of Open Blogging Job Postings on ProBlogger (Screenshot)

Aside from the intuitive design and easy-to-follow user interface, ProBlogger also makes it easy for you to find your ideal blogging job by applying filters such as location or searching for jobs using a particular keyword (which can help you narrow down the gigs to a particular blogging niche).

One of the top blogging jobs sites that comes highly recommended by freelancers the world over, is the Freelance Writing Gigs (FWJ) job board.

Freelance Writing Jobs Homepage Screenshot (Example)

The FWJ job board features a selection of carefully curated blogging jobs from all over the Internet. This helps reduce your time sifting through tons of job listings, and also helps reduce the chances of falling prey to scammers and shady clients (yes, that can happen quite a lot on some of the sites like Fiverr and Upwork). Here’s a sampling of a few freelance blogging jobs I saw just the other day on their platform:

Available Freelance Writing and Blogging Jobs on FWJ (Screenshot)

Apart from being a job board, FWJ is also a trusted resource for all things freelancing—from getting started guides, to blogging advice for growing your own blog. One of the advantages of FWJ, is that it’s a completely free platform. You can also sign up for their newsletter to receive blogging job listings delivered straight to your inbox.

Looking for some flexible blogging jobs that allow you to work wherever and whenever you want? Then FlexJobs has exactly what you need.

Flexjobs Homepage Screenshot (Blogging Jobs Site) Example

While this flexible job site technically lists all types of remote jobs, you can easily personalize your results, so that you only see the kinds of blogging jobs that interest you. A great resource center also helps you increase your chances of landing your dream clients by honing your writing skills.

Blogging Pro is another well-established website with the mission of helping bloggers succeed at what they do best—getting paid from blogging.

Blogging Pro Open Job Listings (Screenshot)

Knowing how time-consuming it can be to search the Internet for blogging jobs, Blogging Pro has made it easier for bloggers and businesses to connect with each other. For a very small fee of $30/month, brands can post a blogging job to this board. For bloggers (like you), access to the job board (and applying to these blogging jobs) is 100% free. Here’s a snapshot of just a few of the recent jobs I saw posted the other day:

Examples of Open Listings (Screenshot of Blogging Pro)

One reason the Blogging Pro job board is a fan favorite for bloggers, is that most of the jobs curated on the platform pay very well. They also list full-time blogging jobs as well, if you’re looking specifically for full-time roles.

Be A Freelance Blogger (BAFB) is another one of the top blogging jobs sites you need to visit regularly if you’re actively searching for paid gigs. While the main aim of the website is to coach bloggers to make a living from their writing. One of the best things about the BAFB job board, is that the site’s owner (Sophie) doesn’t tolerate blogging jobs that underpay writers—she only lists jobs that pay at least $.10/word or a minimum of $50/article.

Be a Freelance Blogger (Screenshot) and Blogging Jobs Board Example

The BAFB blog and job board aren’t just about teaching you how to make money blogging, though. He content features tips and inspiring stories from other successful bloggers, and it’s designed to help you become a better blogger who can command rates that most freelance bloggers can only dream of.

Sample Job Listing Screenshot on Be a Freelance Blogger

Choosing the jobs that suit you is easy on this blogging jobs site, thanks to detailed job descriptions as well as transparent rates.

One of the most popular blogging jobs sites on the internet is the AWAI managed Direct Response Jobs. Being one of the prominent educational resources for bloggers and freelance writers, you can rely on them to value the craft well enough to curate only the most reputable jobs on this site.

Direct Response Jobs Board (Screenshot)

Being a well-known player in content marketing circles, the Direct Response Jobs blogging job board sometimes features opportunities you wouldn’t have access to anywhere else. The only downside to the Direct Response Jobs website, is that the latest jobs are only made available to paying AWAI members. If you’re not a member, you only get to see jobs that are a couple of days old—which incentivizes you to consider joining for quicker access to available opportunities if you’re serious about landing great gigs.

It’s impossible to compile a list of blogging jobs sites without mentioning the Freelance Writing job board.

Freelance Writing Homepage Screenshot

This blogging jobs site curates one of the most up-to-date lists of paid blogging work from every nook and cranny of the Internet. Updated daily, you’re bound to find several leads that will pique your interest (and should pay very competitive rates too). Here’s a screenshot of just a couple open listings I saw the other day on their board:

Screenshot of Open Freelance Writing Jobs

Whether you’ve niched down your writing to a particular industry, or you’re a generalist that can tackle a wide range of topics, you’ll find this board to be a treasure chest of recent blogging jobs.

What’s the best way for any respectable blogger to start their day? With a hot cup of coffee and a bunch of leads at their fingertips. If that sounds like a dream, it’s no longer a thing of fantasy, thanks to the Morning Coffee Newsletter (brought to you by the team behind the Freelance Writing blogging jobs site).

Morning Coffee Newsletter and Job Listings Email (Screenshot)

While it may not technically be classified as a standalone blogging job site, this daily newsletter is a great resource to jump start your morning. Once you sign up, you’ll get daily emails featuring some of the latest blogging jobs available. It’s definitely worth the free subscription and may just open the door to your next paid blogging job.

The All Freelance Writing job board has been around since 2006 and has helped thousands of bloggers land their dream projects.

All Freelance Writing Homepage Screenshot

Of all the blogging jobs sites on this list, All Freelance Writing is one of the few that not only tells you how much each job pays—but the experience level the client is requesting as well. This makes it much easier for you to select and apply to the blogging jobs that are the best fit you (and worth your time).

Sample Screenshot of Open Freelance Blogging Jobs and Writing Opportunities

There’s nothing as frustrating as seeing a great looking job listing, clicking on it and finding that the advertised rates are nowhere near what you charge. Thankfully, the All Freelance Writing job site removes that frustration from your job hunting endeavor.

As the name suggests, Freedom With Writing is on a mission to help bloggers find financial freedom using their writing skills.

Freedom with Writing (Job Board Screenshot)

While not exclusively a blogging jobs site in the traditional sense, Freedom With Writing is a great place to find some of the best blogging opportunities (and any writing-related job for that matter). All you have to do is sign up to receive their newsletter that comes packed with the best gigs on the market. Because the team behind Freedom with Writing believes in inspiring writers to live the dream, they also accept guest posts from other writers. They highlight lists of brands that are currently hiring writers and case studies of how writers broke a certain milestone in their career.

Media Bistro is another blogging jobs website you absolutely have to keep on your radar if you’re serious about making a living as a blogger.

Media Bistro Homepage Screenshot

Being a trusted job board, many big brands list their job openings on the platform, thereby giving you access to reliable clients who are willing to pay premium rates. Not only that, but many clients that post on the platform are looking forward to long-term relationships as well.

As the name suggests, Paid to Blog is all about helping you get paid for your blogging work—and one of those ways is to find and apply to some of the best blogging jobs on the market.

Paid to Blog (Jobs Site) Screenshot

Founded by professional blogger, Tom Ewer, this is a membership site ($30/month) where you get access to some of the top blogging courses (and blogging books) about how to turn your words into income. Apart from the educational aspect, Tom also curates blogging jobs and sorts them out by niche, taking out most of the grind in your job search.

One of the most tedious, time-consuming and dare I say boring parts of earning a living as a blogger, is finding and managing clients. PubLoft is there to take that out of the equation.

PubLoft Blogging Jobs Board (Screenshot)

Publoft finds and manages the clients for you. All you have to do is what you love—write amazing content. With rates starting at $150/article, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t head over to their website and apply to be one of their bloggers on hand to fill relevant client projects that appear.

Contently is another unique blogging jobs site, in that it’s a hybrid platform that serves as a portfolio platform, resource hub and job board for professional bloggers. I’ve personally used the Contently platform to land blogging jobs with well-funded tech startups, paying well over $1,000/article.

Contently Homepage Screenshot (Portfolio Site Example)

Tell great stories and get paid to do it too! That’s every blogger’s dream, and Contently gives you the tools to turn that dream into reality. With their extensive network of clients, you can end up being a blogger for brands like Google, Marriott, Dell, Walmart and many more.

Jooble is relatively new amongst the established blogging jobs sites in the industry, but they’re growing quickly—and you can now find some well-paid blogging jobs on their platform.

Jooble Job Search Screenshot

Finding the perfect job on this platform is pretty easy thanks to the advanced search filter they built. And the best part is that this blogging jobs site also has a Chrome extension to make it ultra-easy for you to get your next job.

ServiceScape is a platform that connects brands to creatives in fields like writing, editing, translating, design and more.

ServiceScape Homepage Screenshot (Bloggers, Writers, Editors, Designers and More Jobs)

Specializing primarily in written content though, ServiceScape has a variety of niches and content types you can work on. And with close to 90,000 clients on the platform, finding a blogging job that you’ll enjoy is all but guaranteed.

Dynamite Jobs is a platform that’s long advocated on behalf of remote work for ages. And they don’t just curate any remote job, they curate “remote jobs you actually want.”

Dynamite Jobs Homepage Screenshot of Listings

With a clean interface and easy to use filters, you can quickly and easily find your next blogging job on this platform. Dynamite jobs also helps employers find you, as you can create a profile and upload your resume, experience, skills and qualifications on theit platform.

Another great blogging job site that you need to keep an eye on, is HubStaff Talent. A free marketplace that connects freelancers directly with clients, Hubstaff takes the approach of posting verified blogging jobs on their platform. Not only that, but you’ll also get a weekly email with jobs that match your profile. Here’s a preview of a few recent paid blogging gigs they have up on their site:

HubStaff Talent Job Board Screenshot of Available Listings

The only downside to Hubstaff Talent, is that you can only communicate with clients via their platform. The upside is that there’s a built-in time-tracking feature though, which helps with billing clients accurately and efficiently.

For creatives looking for location-independent jobs, We Work Remotely is a great platform to frequent (and their listings when it comes to blogging jobs often includes well-paid opportunities from top startups and established companies like Athena, Podia, Hotjar, the Animalz agency and more.

We Work Remotely Homepage Screenshot (Remote Blogging Work)

Frequented by big brands with hefty marketing budgets, you can expect nothing but the best blogging jobs on this board. While the job board caters to all creatives, the search function makes it easy to hone in on your type of preferred jobs.

When it comes to landing great gigs, one factor that plays a big role is the credibility of the blogging jobs sites you’re using to find opportunities. With Remote.co, you can be sure employers trust it, so you can rest assured any client you get from this platform will be a pleasure to work with.

RemoteCo Screenshot of Available Remote Blogging Jobs

Finding your dream blogging job on this platform is easy, as all jobs are categorized and organized in an easy to navigate manner. With new blogging jobs posted practically every day, it shouldn’t be long before you become a fully booked blogger.

To be able to apply for blogging jobs on Jobspresso you’ll need to create a (free) account. The good thing is that once your profile is complete and your resume is uploaded, applying for jobs and being found by employers becomes extremely easy—and it’s worth the few minutes it takes to get set up.

Jobspresso Homepage Screenshot Example

Posting a job comes at a hefty price for employers, but freelancers can apply for blogging jobs completely free. Of course, since businesses pay to use the service, it means they’re also ready to pay a meaningful rate for your services.

RemoteOk Homepage Screenshot

Remote.ok is more than just a blogging jobs site to use in your pursuit of landing the right gigs. It also has exciting features like industry statistics and trends to help steer your applications toward the right companies that can afford your services. This data will help ensure that you stay current on what’s happening in your favorite industries and niches. Not only that, but it will help you know which skills you need to polish up on to keep you relevant as a professional blogger.

Outsourcely Homepage Screenshot (to Find Blogging Jobs)

As the name suggests, Outsourcely is the go-to place for brands looking to outsource some tasks that they can’t afford to hire full-time staff. And for many businesses, blogging is at the top of the list when it comes to these kinds of projects. That’s why keeping your eyes on this blogging jobs site should be part of your regular routine if you want contract-based freelance gigs. And don’t forget to sign up for their updates to help stay in the loop without having to log in to their website.

Whether it’s a full-time or part-time blogging job you’re looking for, Workew has you covered.

Workew Remote Blogging Jobs Screenshot (Example)

One thing you’ll appreciate about this blogging jobs site, is the fact that they have multiple communication channels and groups you can sign up for. This’ll help you not only keep abreast of the jobs being posted, but also help you share ideas with other bloggers and find ways to collaborate together.

Created for the sole purpose of helping talented professionals succeed at making money online with a work from home job, 100 Telecommute Jobs is one of those rare blogging jobs sites that put freelancers first.

100 Telecommute Jobs (Screenshot of Blogging Gigs)

With 100 Telecommute Jobs, you’re in full control of the type of blogging job you want—from 100% remote, to full-time or part-time—the choice is yours.

Remotees Screenshot of Open Remote Blogging Jobs

When it comes to the easiest-to-use blogging jobs sites on the market, Remotees ranks amongst the top. A particular feature that makes this job board a cinch to use, is the company search feature. This allows you to search for jobs by company, as well as giving you a detailed overview of what that particular company is looking for in the bloggers they hire.

If there’s one blogging jobs site that you’ll find popping up whenever blogging job boards are mentioned, it’s Textbroker.

Textbroker Homepage Screenshot (of Jobs for Bloggers)

Designed especially for beginner bloggers, this site is great hunting ground—as all you’ll need in order to be listed on theing platform, is to submit a short test article. Once it’s approved you’ll be given a rating between 2-4 depending on how your fare in the test. From there on, you’re allowed to apply for any of the blogging jobs posted to the platform.

Listiller (founded by prolific blogger, Elvis Mitchel) is another membership site that every blogger (especially newbies) should look into if you want curated lists of paid gigs.

Listiller Screenshot of Membership Plans to their Blogging Jobs Site Platform

The platform aggregates jobs from most of the popular job boards and puts them in one place. Applying filters will help you easily sort those jobs according to the ones that suit you best. Apart from the blogging job board section of the site, Listiller also has some other cool features to help you grow your blog business. That includes access to over 5000 sites you can guest post on, to build your portfolio and credibility as a blogger.

While CloudPeeps is not solely dedicated to serving bloggers, it’s a great site to find some very well-paid blogging jobs. Created as a hub where brands can connect with talented independent professionals, it curates all types of jobs from web development to copywriting to graphic design as well as blogging, of course.

Cloudpeeps Homepage Screenshot (of Becoming a Paid Blogger)

Some of the brands that search for and hire talent on the CloudPeeps job board include AirBnB, Lóreal, Lyft and many others. To get access to these high-caliber clients, you’ll have to sign up and create an account with CloudPeeps. But it’s well worth it as you can expect to land some pretty great blogging jobs if you invest the time into filling out your profile and actively applying. For an idea of how much you can expect to make from the gigs you land on this blogging jobs site, here are the average rates other freelancers charge on the site:

Screenshot of Cloudpeeps Blogging Job Rates and Payment Information

So go ahead and check it out, your next blogging job might just be waiting for you on Cloudpeeps.

LinkedIn hardly needs an introduction, as it’s one of the top social media networks for anyone hoping to grow as a professional. It should be no surprise then, that thousands of companies promote their open blogging jobs on this platform too.

Screenshot of LinkedIn Blogging Jobs and Freelance Writing Openings

But apart from giving you the opportunity to connect with other professionals and prospective clients, LinkedIn also allows companies to list job opportunities on the platform. The best part is you get personalized notifications of jobs that match your profile. You can even search for blogging jobs using different filters

With a massive database of employers and freelancers alike, Freelancer is one of the biggest blogging jobs sites on the planet.

Freelancer (Screenshot) of Blogger Job Openings

While you may have to bid for most jobs, the upside is that if you play your cards well you can get long-term blogging jobs with some pretty cool clients.

Guru has earned itself a reputation for being a very professional job board for creatives and other professionals—that includes bloggers and writers too.

Guru Screenshot (Site for Finding Blogging Work)

To land a blogging job on Guru, you first have to sign up and create a free account. Next, polish your profile. This is super-easy as the platform is so well-designed that not only is it easy to showcase your skills, but the user interface is so clean and professional. While you can access Guru for free, the number of applications you can send out is limited on the free plan.

Rated as one of the most comprehensive and all around best job boards on the Internet, Indeed is an excellent place to hunt for blogging jobs. Trusted by many brands, most of the blogging jobs available with large companies will be listed on this platform first, before being curated on one of the other more niche-specific blogging jobs sites.

Indeed (Screenshot of Open Blogging Job Example)

With detailed job descriptions, it’s easy to sift through the jobs listed on Indeed. Besides that, the search function allows you to search for jobs by specific keywords too.

Finally, we’ve got Craigslist rounding out this list of the best blogging jobs sites. That’s because (contrary to popular belief), Craigslist actually isn’t just a place for selling your old television—nor is it a place to sell your blogging skills for peanuts.

Craigslist Screenshot (Freelance Writing and Blogging Work Examples)

Using the site’s powerful function, you can sift through the thousands of job listings on the site, to narrow down your search to only the kind of blogging jobs you’re looking for. The only downside with Craigslist, of course, is that most job listings are not verified. So you’ll have to do your due diligence to research a client before responding to their ad—and certainly make sure to collect payment before delivering all of your work.

How to Get Blogging Jobs: 5 Tips to Help You Land Your Next Gig

While blogging can be a great career path to pursue, the fact that there are lots of blogging jobs sites (and open positions) doesn’t mean landing your dream job will be a piece of cake.

Tips for Landing a Blogigng Job This Year (Piece of Cake Stock Image)

You have to lay a solid foundation that’ll increase your chances of landing every blogging job you take the time to apply for. Here are five tips to help you land your next blogging gig:

1. Build a Strong Portfolio of Work

The first and most crucial step to ensuring you’re poised for success as a blogger for hire, is to build a solid portfolio. Your online portfolio can be as simple as a quick collection of the articles you’ve written that prove your capabilities as a blogger—or it can be as robust as a full on blog of your own where you regularly publish content that demonstrates your expertise.

So how do you build a comprehensive portfolio?

  • Guest post. Guest blogging means publishing blog posts on websites that are not your own. This helps show potential clients that other website owners value your blogging skills enough to feature you on their blogs. Plus, you’ll be promoting your blog at the same time, which will help further your own long-term blogging goals that fall under your greater blog strategy too.
  • Google Docs. Another easy way to create samples for your portfolio, is to write a few draft articles in a free Google Doc if you don’t have the financial resources to invest in publishing your own blog today.
  • Managing your own blog. Starting your own blog is by far the best way to showcase your blogging skills—and my blog here is the #1 source of leads for my writing services. Your blog can be your living portfolio for when clients ask to see examples of your work. Plus, it also shows potential clients that you can find your way around learning to use blogging tools and platforms.

Make sure the samples you’re creating are in line with the niche you’re targeting to work in, though. Once you’ve created your portfolio pieces, it becomes easy to share your work with clients as all you have to do is share links to your work.

2. Polish Your Blogging Resume

Yes, even bloggers (sometimes) need resumes. A portfolio site or blog of your own can go a long way toward convincing clients to hire you, but the reality is that you’ll likely still need a properly formatted resume if you’re applying to a lot of blogging jobs online. Here are a few important things to remember as you polish your blogging resume:

  • Put important information at the top. Recruiters don’t read your resume in full, so a lot of attention is often given to the information that appears first.
  • Sell yourself. Your resume is your way to market yourself. So make sure to sell yourself well by showcasing relevant skills that pertain to the specific blogging job you’re applying for.
  • Use keywords. Show your prospective client that you took the time to read their job description (and do keyword research) to include important words and terms they used.
  • Keep it short. A resume isn’t supposed to be a list of all your life achievements—only include the information that’s relevant to the job you’re applying for.

A well-written and presented resume is actually an important part of the interview process. It helps recruiters know how well organized you are, and that you pay attention to the details.

3. Research Your Prospective Blogging Job Clients

Another little known tactic that can help you land your next blogging job, is to truly study your prospective client (before launching a blogger outreach email to try and land their gig). Visit their website and social media pages first, to get a feel for how they speak and what they care most about. This is a crucial step in your application process as it’ll help you:

  • Develop an understanding of how their business functions
  • See how you can add value to their business with your blog content
  • Craft a more personalized application email and stand out from the crowd

Landing the best blogging jobs is all about providing unique value to your prospective clients—and standing out from the dozens of other bloggers applying to the same gig.

4. Craft the Perfect Blogging Job Application (and Follow Up)

Sure you can pull a generic template from somewhere on the Internet and use it as your application letter. But for a blogger, that’s tantamount to sabotaging your own career. One of the things employers look for in a blogger is creativity, and the best way to highlight that is by crafting a unique outreach email or cover letter that stands out.

And this is where knowing your prospective client comes into play. Using the intel you gathered from your research, draft an application letter that’s:

  • In the prospective client’s brand voice
  • Touches on their core values
  • Shows how you can fit into their team
  • Polished and makes sure there are no typos

Pro tip: Don’t just click the application button and hope for the best. Consider reaching out directly via email if it’s clear who you should get in touch with.

5. Prepare for Your Blogging Job Interview

Once you get shortlisted for a job, the last step before being hired is usually an interview or small test project. Whether it’s remote via video call or in-person, it’s important that you prepare well for your conversation. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for your blogging job interview:

  • Analyze the job and its key requirements several times before your interview
  • Understand the client’s mission and goals (easy to gather on their website and in the job listing)
  • Look for problems you can proactively solve for your client (through content suggestions and clever blog post ideas)

Of course, make sure to show up for the interview dressed well and rested enough to make a great first impression!

Blogging Jobs: Go Forth and Land Higher Paying Gigs Today

With this comprehensive list of blogging jobs sites, there’s nothing stopping you from taking action to launch the blogging career of your dreams.

Filling Out a Blogging Job Application (Screenshot)

As long as you have the passion, persistence and portfolio to support your work, getting great paying work is simply a matter of keeping an eye on the top blogging jobs sites (and following these tips on landing your dream blogging gig). And if you’re looking specifically for remote work opportunities, be sure to check out my guide about how to get a remote job over the weekend.

To build more of your blogging skills this year, here’s some additional reading I’d highly recommend:


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