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Best Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers 2022

Top Project Manager Interview Questions and Answers 2022 Every organization knows the value of a Project Manager. Most employers ask for a certified Project Manager. When the Project Manager is certified, it shows their skills are validated and experience in the very field. However, when it comes to a Project Management certification, an organization demands a globally recognized certification like PRINCE 2 certification, Project Management Professional certification, CompTIA project+ certification so on. What Is the need for a Project Manager to be Certified? Well, according to a survey conducted by the Project Management Institute, it came out that more than $122 million is being wasted by organizations for every $1 billion investment. Such a huge amount of loss takes place due to the inferior performance of the project. This is the reason why nowadays every organization demands a certified Project Manager. So, it is recommended for an aspiring Project Manager to achieve a well-recog

The Safest Way to Share Passwords With Your Virtual Assistant

Working with a virtual assistant is a huge step when you’re a business owner, but it also brings up a lot of questions. One of the first questions that comes up for anyone who has considered hiring an assistant is all about how to share passwords with your VA. Passwords are sensitive information, after all. And not only that, but many times a password opens the door to accounts that have sensitive financial information. The idea of sharing passwords with someone who is essentially a complete stranger over the internet is off-putting, if not downright scary. Plus, how do you go about actually sharing the password safely? How to Share Passwords With Your Virtual Assistant Fortunately, the problem of password-sharing is one that has been solved effectively. There are online tools you can use to share passwords that won’t compromise the safety of your information. In fact, it’s entirely possible to give someone your login credentials for any website without the other person even seeing wha

29 Work From Home Jobs & Where to Find Them

Sharing is caring! This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you book or buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. Learn more The choice of work from home jobs has never been greater as we enter the new decade of the 2020s. However, being aware of the trends and sectors that favor remote work goes a long way to helping you find a work from home job. In this guide, we’re going to identify those jobs. We’re also going to explore where to look for work from home jobs, what you need to get those jobs, and what you need to know about the challenges of working remotely. Where to Find Work From Jobs While traditional job boards operate under the assumption that their advertised jobs will be onsite, many have now started adding ‘remote’ or ‘remote possible’ to their search filters. There are websites, however, that specialize in work from home jobs and remote opportunities. 1 – FlexJobs An excellent place to search for

Strengths and Weaknesses for Job Interviews 2022 [Great Answers]

Ah, that age-old job interview question. What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? Indeed, this is a type of behavioral interview question. You might have the perfect skill set and experience for a job. But recruiters want to see in job interviews that you can work well in the company’s culture. Table of Contents What do employers want to know about you in an interview? Your strengths and weaknesses will determine if you are able and qualified to succeed in a job. In short, the employer wants to understand why you think you’re a good match for the position and the organization. They might also want to consider what challenges could arise. Overall, it’s an opportunity to evaluate your capacity for self-reflection for them. Thinking about and naming your strengths and weaknesses effectively is a skill you will use in every interview, whether the question focuses on your positive or negative attributes. How relevant are your strengths and weaknesses to the position? There are a few